Me? Share Gospel?

After becoming a Christian close to four years ago, I have always this desire in my heart to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to people whom I love. I was very involved in Campus Crusade for Christ’s gatherings and meetings then. And I got to learn many ways of sharing and the methods of bringing the gospel across accurately, why is it important to share the gospel, and so on.

The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. I could only think about how I would share and when I should share but always when the time comes for me to share, I would often back out or hoping that the session will end early. It wasn’t too long after that that I realized that my heart hasn’t been right. And in order to make right my heart, it is very important to really seek God in His word and in prayer – to pray for courage and confidence.

I think the problem to the lack of confidence and courage is the fear of rejection and also the insufficiency of the knowledge of God in my life. I had to come to terms with myself for not reading the bible regularly and not meditating on God’s word frequently which led to an under-knowledge of the gospel and the bible. But still, the fear of rejection still exists despite many encouragements and motivations from Christian friends.

I can still remember the definition of success in witnessing that I learnt in a workshop in a 5-day conference organized by Campus Crusade for Christ. It’s called Metamorphosis, which means transformation. Success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God. After knowing this and memorizing this definition, I knew that God has been speaking to me to help me in breaking the struggle in the fear of rejection when sharing the gospel.

Shortly after this conference, I managed to bring my sister to Christ by God’s grace and mercy and she’s been actively serving in Singapore Polytechnic’s Campus Crusade Ministry. Over the years, she has grown mature in the Word and now taken the role of a Spiritual Multiplier and Prayer I/C of the ministry. She is truly a living testimony who is a light in her school and class.

Are you willing to give your heart to God today, to even allow Him to work in you and convict you to begin sharing His love to the people that you hold dear to your heart? Can we? Yes we can!

As the day of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ draws nearer each day, we as Christians should do our part. Today I lay before you the greatest challenge ever given to man by the greatest person who has ever lived. No matter how wealthy, famous, brilliant, or powerful you may be, you will never give yourself to any cause that can compare with this life-changing, even world-changing, call of God. No matter how many honors, awards, or achievements may be placed in your hands, nothing can even begin to compare with this command of our Lord Jesus Christ to help take His message of love and forgiveness to every person in every community, in every city, in every country of the world and make disciples of all nations. Yes we can!

It is our part to reveal to mankind that the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ offers the basic solutions to every problem facing mankind. If such a statement sounds simple, just apply the 2 greatest commandments that Jesus gave, to love the Lord your God and love your neighbours as yourself – even your enemies – to each of these problems, and watch them evaporate before your eyes. Yes we can!

If you ask me to tell you about the greatest events of all centuries, one of them would be a meeting on a mountain near Galilee where a small group of men were given a global strategy for carrying God’s love and forgiveness to a lost and dying world. On this mountain these men received that greatest challenge ever given to mankind, by that greatest Person who ever lived, concerning the greatest power ever revealed and the greatest promise ever recorded, the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He gave to His disciples and through them to us. Yes we can!

Jesus said:

“I have been given all authority in heaven and earth. Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this – that I am with you always, even to the end of the world . ”

Thank you and I hope that this short testimony would be beneficial to your role as a witness and ambassador of Christ!

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